GANIROUGH is shoe roughing robot cell which helps to automate the existing manual process involved in the production floor.

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Shoe roughing is strenuous manual process involved in the production floor. It also create micro dirts which affects the human who performs with existing roughing machine. GaniRough is tailor made solution for shoe industry to automate this process with precision and fast.
How GaniRough helps?
GANIROUGH is shoe roughing robot cell which helps to automate the existing manual process involved in the production floor. User friendly software identifies the outline of shoes automatically and does the roughing. With simple method of teaching using hand or a digital probe you can automate the whole process.

Industries suitable for this solution
Precision of robot is 0.05mm allows for accurate and consistent roughing profiles.
With digitizers like a probe or pendant we can teach the sole profile easily
Arm Robot can be repurposed for other activities like pick & place, cutting, gluing etc.
Entire setup can be put in an robot cell or can be made to integrate with conveyor to automate the production line.
Robot cell is flexible enough to support different tool depends on lasts and thickness of leather. Even glue can be attached.
It can be used with GANINEST for marking the nested hides before giving to clicker or take prints of nested hides for manual guidance
We provide documentation and training for easy maintenance without breaking your production schedules.
Post installation we have dedicated support teams where we assure you to resolve issues faster with SLA agreed.
Entire system is easy to setup and get trained under a week. Instant remote support available